31.) What is permission set?
Permission sets extend user’s functional access without changing user’s profile.
Example: A user has only read access through profile on custom object, administrator want to give access Edit and create operations to him without changing the profile. Administrator creates the permission set having edit and creates operation on custom object and assign to that user.
32.) What is Dashboard?
Dashboard is a pictorial representation of report. We can add up to 20 reports in single dashboard.
33.) What are the Record Types?
Record Types are restrict the pick list values and assign to the different page layouts for different Record Types.
34.) What are the Report Types?
4 Types of report in Salesforce
Tabular Reports:We can only displays the grand total in the table form.
Summary Reports:It is a detail form of report in which the grouping done based on Columns.
Matrix Reports: It is a detail form of report in which the grouping done based on both Rows and Columns.
Joined Reports: We can join the two or more reports in the single report displayed in the form of blocks.
35.) What is Audit Trail?
Audit Trail provides the information or track all the recent setup changes that an administrator done to the organization. This can store the last 6 months data.
36.) How many field dependencies we can use in Visual Force page?
Maximum we can use 10 field dependencies in VF page.